Hat tip to @cubicgarden.
Forrester’s Jeremiah Owyang explains the Five Eras Of The Social Web.
A blog exploring The Social Web – Learn. Explore. Profit.
Frank Gillett of Forrester speaks about the cloud envy of various companies who jump on the cloud computing bandwagon by rebranding existing services. Whoa! new buzz words here, “Cloud Envy”, “Cloud Spray”, and “Cloud Washing”.
Is it me, or is Cloud Computing just getting too confusing? Especially as Steve notes, all of the the ‘xxxxx as a service’ platforms taking shape. Software and hardware vendors are going to have a to do a good job on making this ‘white fluffy’ stuff easier to understand. Though perhaps, Cloud Computing is nothing but smoke and mirrors? Old services being rebranded with new “fashion” labels as Larry Ellison points out.
Anyone who know of a simple guide to Cloud Computing? Perhaps the chaps at Common Craft could create a great video?
Josh and Charlene will be delivering a free webinar “Groundswell: A Framework For Using Web 2.0 For Business Advantage”
A “Groundswell Webinar : A Framework For Using Web 2.0 For Business Advantage.” They authors will be reviewing the core ideas laid out in the “Groundswell” book, going through the frameworks and strategies needed to approach and thrive in the groundswell.
Friday, May 9th at 11:00 am EST / 5 PM Amsterdam / 4 PM UK
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3. The presentation screen will launch and the webinar will start at the time announced
4. Please be sure to turn your volume on.
Test by viewing this presentation <http://www.mediasite.com/presentation.aspx?p=24570> Click on “View Presentation” and if you are able to see it and hear it (check your speakers), you will be able to log into the webinar.
For many businesses who have still yet to venture into the world of social media. “Groundswell” is a must read. The book cites a number of case studies which illustrate how companies are gaining insights, increasing revenues, lowering costs and engaging their customers within today’s Web 2.0 world.
Forrester analysts, Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff have produced the most up-to-book on the subject and present their findings in a clear and easy to understand format. Both demonstrate their expertise as analysts and writers and provide numerous data examples throughout the book.
What is a Groundswell?
Charlene and Josh define the Groundswell as:
The authors discuss why it important to participate in the “Groundswell” and why the “Groundswell” is happening now. The book begins with an overview into what “social media” actually is, and discusses many of the successes and the pitfalls that a company can go through during its journey. The book then offers steps that a business should follow to implement a successful social media strategy.
The book essentially examines how such tools threaten institutional power, and how individuals can use them to empower themselves and their businesses.
Many businesses foolishly believe that participating in social media is as simple as creating a blog, or being active in Facebook. Groundswell does a great job at explaining that creating a successful social media strategy is probably one of the most difficult things that a business can do and takes time and commitment
Hopefully by reading this book the business person will be well on their way to mastering the new dynamics of social media.
Truly, a well presented and written book that is a must read for anyone who wants to learn and utilise Internet marketing, as it exists today and will exist tomorrow.
So much so, I would say this is the most important book to be released since The Cluetrain Manifesto and Naked Conversations.
Charlene Li believes that in the future, social networks will be like air. They will be anywhere and everywhere we need and want them to be. And also, without that social context in our connected lives, we won’t really feel like we are truly living and alive, just as without sufficient air, we won’t really be able to breathe deeply.
There are four components of what Charlene calls the idea of “ubiquitous social networks”: 1) Profiles; 2) Relationships; 3) Activities; and 4) Business models. In the context of ubiquitous social networks, they will develop into the following: 1) Universal identities; 2) A single social graph; 3) Social context for activities; and 4) Social influence defining marketing value. For more detail on each of these components
The ubiquitous social network isn’t going to happen overnight – in fact, it’s going to take five+ years to come to fruition. This is part of the continued evolution of open platforms, starting with walled garden services like Prodigy, Compuserve, and AOL that evolved into the major portal aggregators like Yahoo!, MSN, and AOL. This gave way to the “search era” where Google et. al. made all of the Internet easily accessible. Today’s social networks are a throwback to those early closed platforms, and they will be opened up by new “entrants” into the social space – namely, Yahoo!, Microsoft, Google, and AOL – who will leverage their deep, daily relationships with online audiences.
In the end, there are two essential things that have to present for this all to happen. The first is technology — ubiquitous Internet access and the servers to enable real-time social graph access. Given the pace of technology development, I’m pretty sure this will happen. The second is much harder — trust has to be present, between people, between social networks, marketers, and developers. This is what is going take a lot of time, effort, and patience.
Check out her presentation below and forthcoming new book – Groundswell