IM on the Enterprise 2.0 hot list

Hat tip to Read/WriteWeb

A new Forrester report states that Instant Messenging (IM) is by far the most valuable ‘web 2.0’ tool for enterprises.

The report was compiled based on feedback from 275 IT decision-makers. Other than IM, the report found that RSS and podcasting showed “the highest average business value”, while social networking and blogging showed the lowest. RSS is mostly being used in enterprises for corporate communications or content aggregation, while only one in three Forrester respondents uses RSS for external marketing purposes.

In terms of measuring the success of web 2.0 tools, Forrester states that most firms use traditional value measurement techniques like ROI and total cost of ownership (TCO). The most popular benefits cited by IT leaders are ‘soft’ benefits like business efficiency and competitive advantage. All of this indicates that Web 2.0 is still very difficult to measure.

I’m surprised on two counts regarding Forrester’s research. Firstly how significantly large firms are discarding blogging as providing ‘substantial value’. Secondly, the 21% figure on the value of podcasting.

Is audio, really mightier than the typed word?


Author: Jas

Jas Dhaliwal is a highly experienced International Social Media Strategist. Currently working as AVG Technologies, Director of Communities and Online Engagement, he specialises in building and engaging with social communities across the web. Born and bred in London, he is passionate about technology and social anthropology. Prior to AVG, Jas launched the social media program for Microsoft’s MVP Award program. Jas holds a BSc (Hons) in Information Systems and has an MBA from Brunel University in London, England. You can follow Jas as @Jas on Twitter or on Google+